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  • South Kensington escort
  • South Kensington escort
  • South Kensington escort
  • South Kensington escort
  • South Kensington escort


If you ever wonder where all those girls who look like supermodels live, the answer is Paris, since that where’s Jamila has made her home since moving from Brazil. When she first arrived, she would wander through Kensington Gardens and wonder where she would go from there. The answer: everywhere. This South Kensington escort loves life, and she’ll never turn down the opportunity to take a chance, go on an adventure, or have some fun. You’ll often find her out dancing with her girlfriends, but Jamila also loves pampering herself with spa days, yoga, and nights at home with wine and a good movie. She still loves going for walks in the park, and she’s certain that she’ll never run out of places to explore or people to meet in Paris.

About Model

Age: 23
Height: 5'6
Statistics: 34B - 24 - 34
Hair colour: Brunette
Eye colour: Brown
Nationality: Brazilian
Languages: English
Location: South Kensington

Black Opal

Incall Outcall
1 hour 600 600
2 hours 1000 1000
3 hours 1400 1400
Dinner 1400
Overnight P.O.A