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Welcome to Courtisane’s Private Concierge Service

Courtisane can now take care of all your leisure and entertainment requirements.

We currently offer two inclusive Event packages for our discerning clients, but we are always happy to listen to your needs and tailor an individual package to suit you.

Why not take an unforgettable evening experience in Paris. Collection by a chauffeur driven car, Mercedes Benz S class or BMW 7 Series, including use of the car for 5 hours. A reservation at a top tier Paris Restaurant and entry to one of Paris’s most prestigious and chic Private Night Clubs. All in the company of one of our exclusive models that you select from our Gallery.

The event includes the overnight company of your exclusive companion and entry into the Restaurant and Private Night Club via their Guest List.

Please note: The event price excludes drinks, food and any surcharges for VIP Tables.

Event Prices

£5,300 for all

£7,300 for all