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VIP escorts Paris

VIP escorts Paris from Courtisane serving Central Paris and providing high class escorts. Are you tired of fake photos and difficulty selecting high class escorts? Then give our agency for VIP escorts Paris a call between 12pm and 3am, we are open seven days a week and ready to take your call. VIP escorts Paris from Courtisane are dedicated to our customers and our agency will help you to choose the right high class escorts for you. We always check that the photos we use are exact and up to date images of our high class escorts. Our integrity is paramount and we strive for 100% customer satisfaction. We will guide you through our Gallery of models and provide advice and information on each one. Our models are from a wide range of global locations and they are now here in Paris, sometimes for a limited period only. You can arrange one of our high class escorts from 1 hour up to as long as you wish. We can also arrange for overseas assignments but only for longer bookings due to the time it takes for overseas travel. For any overseas travel bookings we usually need a short notice period in advance to arrange flights and for the model to arrange to travel. When choosing a high class escort we want to ensure that you have the right person for your requirements and this is why we offer such an exclusive service. We also ensure that the information that we provide about each model is accurate and will provide our customers with an overview of each model when viewed together with her photo portfolio. If you need to arrange for more than one model then we can certainly provide as many as you wish. These stunning models are also incredible to engage in conversation with, most speak several languages and they are all ‘well travelled’ and have stories to tell about many global locations. They are all well educated and have a refined etiquette making them an asset for any occasion. Whether you require a dinner date, night out on the town or just a brief encounter, then we are here ready to assist you. So if you are visiting Paris on business or a resident here, if you are looking for high class escorts call for VIP escorts Paris to Courtisane and let us assist you. VIP escorts Paris from Courtisane is an exclusive agency providing access to high class escorts. We know that selecting high class escorts can be difficult and VIP escorts Paris from Courtisane is here to help. All high class escorts can be sent from our VIP escorts Paris agency within 10 minutes of your call.

1 year, 7 months ago Comments Off