High class escorts for incall and outcall
High class escorts for incall and outcall
High class escorts for incall and outcall. What does it mean? For those who do not have a firm grasp of the terminology associated with making a date with an escort, incalls and outcalls are the names used to state whether the escort visits the client or whether the client visits the escort.
An incall is when the escort entertains the client at her own home in most cases. Some agencies have a special flat or apartment which they own and the girls spend the day on a rota basis receiving their gentlemen visitors. This is not the preferred method that we use at Courtisane , we prefer, and so do our ladies, to have them entertain their gentlemen companions in their own luxury homes. The situation where the girls work in a flat are more akin to lower end agencies and massage parlours and not really an idea that we would entertain at our VIP agency. We like our client’s to feel pampered and special and being herded in and out, almost with a ticketing system is not conducive to luxury! We would advise any gentlemen to steer clear of agencies that provide this option as it really is not a luxury service at all! Our gentlemen clients are treated as kings and are welcomed into the luxury and sleek homes of our ladies in their high class locations and can enjoy the privacy and discretion they expect. Perhaps they may be welcomed with a glass of wine or beverage of their choice and they can relax in their sumptuous surroundings whilst enjoying the elite company.
An outcall appointment is where the escort will visit the client at his location. In the case of someone visiting the area this is usually a hotel room or perhaps a leased and serviced apartment. If the gentleman is a local then it may be his home however even local gents will sometimes prefer to rent hotel room as it offers them anonymity from neighbours and people they know in their own area. Where an outcall is booked the escort of your choice will arrive on time and discretely with any special outfits or accessories safely stowed away in a holdall. Nothing will be noticeable as to the purpose of your visitor so there is no need to worry, however if this is a concern then an incall appointment may be preferable.
Our Elite escort agency in Paris have high class escorts in all areas of the city. If you would like to spend some time with one of our ladies straight after work and before you head home then you can usually find a stunning lady who is located close to your workplace, however most areas of Central Paris are so accessible that even if you need to travel a short distance, all the girls are located near the tube stations for your convenience.
Each of our high class escorts have their incall location stated clearly on their own profiles. If it is ever the case that the lady of your choice does not offer incalls in the area of your preference then we can still arrange for an outcall appointment in a local hotel so that you get to spend time with the beauty you have chosen. Nothing is too much effort for our girls or our team so it is always worth asking. Our agency is open from 12pm – 3am so there is no excuse for not giving us a call.
This entry was posted on Monday, June 3rd, 2013 at 4:14 pm
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