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Female Escorts in Paris

Female Escorts in Paris has become a thriving industry throughout the years, even dating back to the middle ages. If prostitution is the oldest profession in the world then possibly the brothel must be the oldest public institution and many of these exist today, the home to female Escorts in Paris. The UK Government’s plan to make brothels legal for female Escorts in Paris, albeit only very small institutions, containing a maximum of two prostitutes and a receptionist to manage the customers, may sound like a step too far to those in middle England who fear the woman next door may turn to a bit of ‘working from home’.
However this legalisation is exactly the step taken in certain other countries. In Amsterdam for instance, Escorts are able to operate legally and provide their services, albeit with some restrictions. The leniency displayed in this region also extends to the legal use of certain drugs in different establishments throughout the City. The argument surrounding liberalisation and legalisation for female Escorts in Paris and throughout the UK is centered around one simple fact – make it legal and it can be managed. The problem is no longer on the streets or operated out of site, but visible, manageable and taxable. The continuous debate over whether Escorts are better operating in brothels or allowed to walk the streets is certainly not a new one. Feminist groups make the argument well – legalise female Escorts in Paris and safeguard the thousands of young women operating in this profession, not just in Paris but throughout the UK.
The “oldest profession” tag is possibly wrong. As many have pointed out, it is probably the profession of midwife that qualifies for the label rather than prostitution. However, the argument over the safety of females who operate within this industry is considered a strong one. If you were cynical, you may say the UK Government must also have a keen eye on its tax revenues in a industry thought to now be worth millions. Although, working out exactly how much money is actually earned via this profession is very subjective. Statistics show that at least one out of every ten men in the UK will use the services of a female Escort at some time. Most become regular customers who enjoy the fantasy of young women who would normally be out of reach within their day to day lives.
The industry is certainly split into various parts dependent on the services offered and target customers. Ranging from ‘cheap and quick’ Incall services – get them in and get them out, to high end exclusive Escorts providing dinner dates and companionship. Its either high volume or high amounts of cash and the Escort makes the choice. Although, the more exclusive Escorts certainly look more like catwalk fashion models than any Escort you may meet on the street.
Courtisane is an exclusive agency providing female Escorts in Paris. It is ‘high end’ even by Paris standards and provides its customers with a confidential service. Carefully selected female Escorts in Paris are shown within its Gallery, providing exclusive companionship for their customers. While the majority are Paris female escorts, there are also international Escorts located in other Cities and many will travel to fulfill overseas assignments.

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